Steam Launch on May 30!

May 30 is the release date for Steam Early Access!

While I still have a huge list of improvements I want to see in this game, it's time to move on over to Steam. The future of the project here on Itch is uncertain since the game will be tightly integrated with the Steam Workshop, so it's really important right now, if you're interested in the game, to start looking at it on Steam.

Many people have signed up for my Steam Keys Giveaway (See previous Devlog), so those of you who did that will get completely free access to the game on Steam. This is my thank you to people who have shown interest during this Itch prototype, and I look forward to bringing you along for the future of the game.

Please Wishlist the game on Steam here:

Click here to view on Steam
See you all soon!


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<3 Happy for you